Spices and herbs will retain flavor and aroma for many more months–up to a year or two–when properly stored. We highly recommend these sturdy, flint glass jars. Spices should be kept cool, dry and dark. If you find any of your blends caking, this is because they have picked up moisture in the air. Keep cheese blends, Sunny Paris, tomato powder and any spice that is a very fine powder, in the refrigerator. Seeds and red spices contain oils that can turn rancid, and should also be refrigerated.
Small hole sifters are ideal for fine-ground spices like cinnamon, cumin, or coriander. Wide hole sifters are ideal for coarse-grained spices like cracked pepper or barbecue rubs.
1/2 cup glass spice jar is 2″ wide by 4-1/4″tall
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