
Ground Mace Aromatic Seasoning


Mace is classic in northern European dishes like potted shrimp and Swedish meatballs. It is the bright red webbing (or aril) that grows around nutmeg. Mace has a lighter flavor that pairs well with savory dishes. Nutmeg trees were once so rare and valuable that the Dutch traded Manhattan to the British for the sole island on which they grew. Also available in Whole Blade Mace. Visit our blog to learn more about mace and discover new recipes.

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The nutmeg tree (myristica fragrans) is the only tree that produces two separate spices. The fruit contains a hard pit known as nutmeg, while the lacy red membrane surrounding it is mace. Mace spice is a common ingredient in Northern European cooking, appearing in hearty vegetable dishes, cream sauces, and sausages. In baking, Ground Mace Aromatic Seasoning spice can be used as a substitute for nutmeg; its mellower flavor is especially nice with fruits or delicate pastries. It’s also delicious in pumpkin pie or baked winter squash dishes. Ingredients: Mace.


Jar, 1/2 Cup, 2.3 oz., TalaPAK, 1/2 Cup


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